This one-day face-to-face training is to provide an overview of GDPMD Requirements, Documentation Preparation for GDPMD, Audit Preparation, and Evidence Expected. This training also aims to help participants understand the requirements needed to carry out during an internal audit.

In order to carry out activities relating to medical devices, certification to GDPMD is required for establishments such as Authorized Representatives, Importers, and Distributors in applying for establishment license.

The auditors are the ones responsible in conducting the necessary GDPMD audits and obtain the evidences expected by the Authority for the application of establishment license. This is to ensure the safety and performance of medical devices are preserved post-manufacturing until their disposal.

Registration will be started on 30 June 2023 until 18 July 2023. Please register at or scan the QR Code provided in the poster.

For more info, please contact us:

Tel: 03 8230 0307

Email: [email protected]